Otter’s Back by Christopher Hopkins



Christopher Hopkins is a Welsh poet living in Faversham, Kent. He has received an IPPY, CLMP Firecracker and three Pushcart Prize nomination. He has two chapbooks published by Clare Songbirds, New York and his third The Shape of a Tulip Bird is due out this summer. Christopher is widely published including poems in The Morning Star, The Cortland Review, Rust + Moth and Ink Sweat & Tears.





















Otter’s Back








We walked the otter’s back

over to the narrow town,

the tide receded to sail the world.


The sands catch their breath,

hard as cobble stone under foot, 

working our ankle & sole.


Curlews sow for lugworm in the ozone

as we talk of the simple things, 

floured whitebait, wine,


the wishing light,

lost in the comfort 

of company. 


Our shadows, now on the causey.

Their form bobbing ahead,

stretching years ahead of us


on the granite way, 

with the quietness of headstones,

side by side. 



Christopher Hopkins


Listen to the river by Christopher Hopkins

Stars in pocket by Christopher Hopkins

