Stefano Bortolussi is a poet, novelist and literary translator. In his native Italy he has published three poetry collections (Ipotesi di caldo, 2001; Califia, 2014; I labili confini, 2016) and four novels (Fuor d’acqua, 2004; Fuoritempo, 2007; Verso dove si va per questa strada, 2013; Billy & Coyote, 2017). His poetry has been also published in magazines and webzines, both Italian and international, such as Interno Poesia, Atelier, and Ink, Sweat and Tears.
Callipepla california
There is surely a method, a system
or at the very least an intention
in the way the quails appear as soon
as the fog tentatively clears
and my first word alights on the page:
first the male, appointed as a lookout
possibly because of the black periscope feather
with which he seems to explore the future to come;
at his signal the rest of the diligent covey
follows with the exactness of a genetic order
or with the trust, volatile but in this first sliver
of the day as firm as on any other sunny morning,
in the call that leads them in a world
of corners and unexpected obstacles — one
of which, discreet, occupies my place.