Dark Winter Skies by Andy Allan


Andy Allan lives in Highland Scotland. Landscape and wildlife feature in a significant number of his poems. He is widely published in magazines, anthologies and on-line, and is a multiple competition prize-winner. His pamphlet collection, Breath of Dragons, was published in 2015. A new collection, Within the Slide of Wind, is due to be published before the end of 2018. Both publications by award-winning specialist poetry publishers Indigo Dreams of Devon.



















Dark Winter Skies


On this frost-glint night the air is still,

befuddling sight, sharp moon-shadows

streak the icy ground.

Night-flying geese surge, high and

invisible, loud in our shared darkness.

Immersed in awe, I stare into vast

heavens, suffused with restless light.

Streaming star-flickers peek through

glowing gaps in white-rimmed clouds.


Beside me, looming trees wade in night,

their wooden fingers reach to scrawl on

moon’s pale face, hanging small and silver,

low in the eastern sky. As clouds gather,

brushed by filmy mists and wisps

of gauzy grey, she grows increasingly

obscured. Around me, condensing swirling

breath-shadows tease and fade,

then dissipate like dreams.


Andy Allan 



