Alyson Faye lives in West Yorkshire with her family, including 3 rescue cats. She teaches creative writing classes and works part time as an editor/proofreader. She is one of the writers in Women in Horror Annual 2 (2017); her stories can be downloaded at as well as being available in numerous ezines and on sites like Zeroflash, Tubeflash, 101 words, Three Drops from a Cauldron and (most often) at The Horror Tree.( Her debut Flash collection, Badlands, from indie publisher Chapeltown Books is available to buy on amazon.
Rooks’ Flight
Daylight dribbles into dusk,
We fly together
rimming the hard edges,
skimming the soft bloom
of shadows.
We rest, roost on chimneys,
spires, feast on icy landscapes.
We are never alone.
We flock in rowdy gaggles.
Our paths are a
crazy map of near misses.
We are programmed pilots
of our own journey.
We fly to live.
Others drift away. We stay, endure
winter’s hard breathy edge.
We cling to what is left;
the grounds’ crackling rind.
Darkness creeps,
caressing our wings,
clenching at our hearts.
On one beat, we turn,
rallying us. Memory tugs us
to the branches’ tracery,
wherein we rest.
Alyson Faye