The Jungle Rises by Jeff Schiff



Jeff Schiff is the author of That hum to go by (Mammoth Books, 2012), Mixed Diction, Burro Heart, The Rats of Patzcuaro, The Homily of Infinitude, and Anywhere in this Country. His work has appeared internationally in more than eighty periodicals, including The Alembic, Grand Street, The Ohio Review, Poet & Critic, The Louisville Review, Tendril, Pembroke Magazine, Carolina Review, Chicago Review, Hawaii Review, Southern Humanities Review, River City, Indiana Review, Willow Springs,and The Southwest Review. He has been a professor in the Department of English and Creative Writing at Columbia College Chicago since 1987. 





















The Jungle Rises











There where the croaking

        rises from the inchoate

                and vestigial


There in the palpable horizon

        in globule & rivulet

                in the hemorrhagic gush



        beyond absorption

                There in the moldy coalescence


and vaporous ooze

        in the nameless viscosities

                and horrific bobbings


There in the leaping


                yellow toadiness


and billion undiscovered emetics

        noteworthy toxins

                tongued forth


and spittled to the heart

        There where all are forced

                to dwell in their hirsute


creature bags


                where none can vanquish


their squirmings

        their greenest genesis



the jungle rises

        through cress

                through spiky palmetto


through everything we cannot hold at bay



Jeff Schiff


I was paddling by Jeff Schiff

Notes from the Black Walnut Kingdom by Jeff Schiff

