Moules en Provence by Diane Mulholland



Diane Mulholland was born in Australia and now lives in London, where she can often be found beside the Thames. Her work has appeared widely in journals including Under the Radar, Long Poem Magazine and The Tangerine, and she recently completed an MA in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University.























Moules en Provence 






I can’t explain it all in French, but I

can show you, just as the old man

at the table next to us did that day.

How to take the first long shell

and use it like a pair of tongs,

scooping each mouthful out

and bathing them in cream and wine.


We were unprepared. For eating

seafood in the proper way, for the

heatwave which called for swimsuits

when all we had was jeans.

We marvelled as we drove past

actual olive trees and drank perfect

co-op wine at four euros a bottle.


If I could remember the name

of that restaurant, I would send you there

and show you that not everyone

will be bored and roll their eyes

at green young travellers, that some

will understand that this is just

the beginning of something.



Diane Mulholland



The Crab and the Gull by Diane Mulholland

