Raine Geoghegan is from West Sussex. Her poems and short narratives have been published online and in print with Romany Routes Journal, Fair Acre Press, e-book on Maligned Species; Ground, Curly Mind Journal, Ink Pantry.
Forthcoming publications: The Travellers’ Times; Café Writers, Issue 5; Fly on the Wall Poetry and Under the Radar.
Raine has been featured in a short film, Stories from the Hop Yards, based on the work of Herefordshire photographer Derek Evans, made by Catcher Media.

The Lungo Drom
Bare, blistered feet.
She walked
over stone
on grass
through thicket and brush
in water,
flowers and mud.
Her hair grew long,
flowing like a river.
Tiny silvery fish latching onto each tendril,
longing for the open sea.
At night
she slept in bushes, caves, beside trees.
She dreamt of fire.
She drank from streams,
picked heather, lavender, rosemary for healing,
exchanged them for bread,
kept on walking.
Her hair turned white.
Her bones thinned.
Her body bent over
and her eyes grew weak .
Still she kept on moving.
One early morning under a mottled sky
she stopped.
The moon shone in her body.
Light fell on the ground
and she knew
this was her atchin tan.