Rebecca Gethin lives on Dartmoor in Devon. In 2017 two pamphlets were published: A Sprig of Rowan by Three Drops Press and All the Time in the World by Cinnamon Press who published an earlier collection and two novels. She has been a Hawthornden Fellow. In 2018 she jointly won the Coast to Coast Pamphlet competition and has been awarded a writing residency at Brisons Veor.
A pale-coloured reindeer chooses you,
to link its fate with yours. It may take a death
from you. It circles round before laying itself down
in the snowfall of your dreams,
you know how far away it is by the waning of the moon.
In the dark you smell it, hear the grunting
and clicks of its feet as it rises
to leave you
with bruises where someone has beaten it,
or with the crunch of lichen in your teeth.
Rebecca Gethin
Kujjai is the word for a reindeer that through a ritual becomes your spirit animal.