Dragonfly by Jenny McRobert



Making the transition from Psychologist to poet has been Jenny McRobert’s most pleasurable journey.  Despite the disadvantage of being taught it at school, poetry has been her lifelong passion.  She has always known it, though her career demanded writing of a different sort (Psychology textbooks and articles). Now she has migrated to a land that she loves, has spent the past five years developing as a poet. Her poem Homewon second prize in the Hyde 100 Poetry Competition. Recently published poems are: Touched’ Picaroon Poetry Issue 12, May 2018; Jezebel’ Ink Sweat and Tears, October 2018; Silver Samovarand Bakelite Blintzes’ The High Window, Issue 13, Spring 2019. 











Dragonfly sings

                                         an ancient song,


in the gloss of her rainbow wings


                                 melting the sun


              whispering secrets


                                              in bulrushes’ ears


singing the stillness

                               of water

                                                              the harmony

of rain.



Her speed follows no pattern,


                                                                                  a careering joy-ride


skimming her black speck




                  Her flight-thread is anchored dream-deep,



washed thin

                                           in a place before memory



   where if dare go, I might find her song.




Jenny McRobert

